Monday, November 21, 2011

Completing the SharePoint 2010 Certifications

Last week I accomplished what I'd been putting off for the past two years - I passed the SharePoint Certifications!  So I'd like to share my experiences and recommendations on these exams.  Let's start with the purpose of these - the four exams are the gateway and one of the pre-requisites to the MCM (Microsoft SharePoint Certified Master) and the MCA (Microsoft Certified SharePoint Architect) levels.  Years of SharePoint experience in an Architect role is the other main pre-requisite.  But training for these 4 exams covers vast material and will most certainly make you better prepared for the Architect role.

MCTS 70-573 SharePoint Development
This is the basic exam for the Developer.  You'll be tested on basics of .NET as applies to SharePoint development.  You may be able to pass this exam even if you are new to SharePoint, as I believe it's moderately difficult.  But you'll need to carefully prepare a task list for the exam based on the objectives as needed by Microsoft.  Most of the questions are from key areas and references from MSDN.  You should focus on the key namespaces and classes.

If you have a solid background, the study will be much easier.  If you have a non-development background, I suggest taking the 70-515 training as preparation and get your C# and ASP.NET basics in place first.

MCPD:PRO 70-576 SharePoint Development
As expected, this was more difficult as compared to the 573 but several questions were very similar.  So if you did a good job studying on the objectives for 573, you should have no trouble here.  Again, your C# and .NET needs to be well grounded.  Again, carefully prepare a task list for the exam based on the objectives as needed by Microsoft.   As this is a more advanced exam, you may benefit by getting a years experience before taking this one.

MCTS 70-667 SharePoint Configuration
This is going to cover a large number of topics from the Administration and Configuration aspect.  If you have some years of SharePoint and network administration experience, you may have no trouble here and might even be able to walk in and take the exam based on experience.  However if you are new, or from a pure development background, consider picking up one of the many guides available and carefully look at the objectives.  If you have a networking background you'll obviously find it much easier. 

MCITP:PRO 70-668 SharePoint Administration
This is the "daddy" of all SharePoint exams.  It is a difficult exam and almost all the questions are testing architectural concepts from SharePoint.  The fun part is you can pretend you own the Farm and have full control over your IT Department -:)  Expect lots of case studies and wordy scenarios.  But although at first the full page descriptions seem challenging, they rarely require reading and memorizing all the requirements.  The exam tests your ability to convert a Business Requirement into a Technical Requirement and in turn an Architectural Plan.  And yes, it does also test your ability to understand english and your analytical skills.

If you are new to SharePoint or from a pure development background, consider getting a years experience before taking this one.   It covers a huge variety of topics.

These were fun exams for me! Preparing for them took a few weeks (exclusively dedicated time off from working) but it was worth it as I learnt a lot despite several years SharePoint experience. If you were to study all the areas that the Microsoft objectives cover, you can vastly improve your knowledge.  I took the SharePoint and other courses at a Microsoft Learning Partner training center.  You will find the study guides, demonstrations, hands-on labs and virtual environments provided via the MOC material very helpful.